Cougar Sports - Task

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Marketing Plan Objective:

To successfully run a sporting event at a university in order to raise money for both the university and a charity of your choice at no cost to the university or charity.


Cougar sports is a sports marketing company that specializes in running charity events aimed at enhancing the public image of  it's clients.  You have celebrity and sports contacts, as well as expertise in working with the various companies needed to put together a large event.  You and your staff will create an event using a marketing plan that includes 12 steps of a strategic marketing plan. 

You will present this plan to the university president for approval (your grade).  You may use a PowerPoint presentation or presentation board.

Specific Details:

You must create a sporting event, team or individual, to take place on a campus of at least 15,000 students with the proceeds to be donated to charity and or the university at no cost to them.

What must be included:

  • The Event, detail description, include date and time, local or national
  • Your Mission Statement
  • The university and charity with background on both
  • Admission price, concession info, merchandise, insurance and security costs, and clean up schedule
  • Promotional strategies
  • A 30 second radio ad